Social Work Consultation

Our social work services are provided to help people cope with the struggles related to having a diagnosis of an intellectual disability and/or autism.

Sunbeam Developmental Resource Centre (SDRC) offers counselling to young people and adults with an intellectual disability and/or autism as well as to their caregivers and siblings. This can be in the form of groups, one-to-one sessions, or meetings with multiple family members.

Adults must meet the eligibility criteria for adult developmental services through Developmental Services Ontario – Central West Region.

We offer:

Mother's Group

For mothers who have a child with an intellectual disability and/or autism. The group runs once per week for six weeks. Mothers have a chance to explore feelings around their child’s diagnosis and connect with other mothers who may be experiencing similar challenges.

Mother's Monthly Group

For Mothers who have a child with an Intellectual Disability and/or Autism.  This group, which meets from September to June, provides ongoing opportunities for connection and learning, often for those who have completed the weekly group.   Direct entrance to the monthly group is also possible.

Father's Group

For fathers who have a child with an intellectual disability and/or autism. This group meets once per month from September to June. Fathers have a chance to meet with other fathers and share their experiences and challenges.

Individual Counselling for Parents/Siblings

For parents and/or siblings to deal with the challenges around the diagnosis or ongoing behaviours their child/sibling may be exhibiting.

Individual Counselling for Adults with an Intellectual Disability

For adults who have an intellectual disability to help them cope with issues around their diagnosis. A caregiver (i.e., partner, parent, group home staff) will need to be available to meet with the counsellor once sessions begin.

Sibling Group

For siblings, aged 11-14, of individuals with autism. A six-week group that offers education and sharing using an interactive fun approach.