Foundational Family Services
Sunbeam Developmental Resource Centre (SDRC) offers Foundational Family Services to families registered in the Ontario Autism Program (OAP). These services are aimed to provide families and their child or youth with tools and supports to assist with their ongoing learning and development. Families do not need to be clients of SDRC to access these supports but do need to be registered with the OAP.
Foundational Family Services Supports are outlined below.
Access Family Resource and Clinic Days
Contact OAP Resource Consultant Lindsay Hickey,, (519) 741-1121 ext. 2244. They will assist in answering questions and providing information about a variety of supports and services including but not limited to:
- Developmental Services
- Community Services
- Funding Options and Financial Supports
- Leisure/Recreation
- Respite Options
- School Support
Brief Targeted Consultations
Speech Language Pathology Clinic
Individual one-hour virtual clinic offered to clients age 6 and up to address communication goals.
“Ask a Speech Language Pathologist” Clinic
One-hour clinic via ZOOM offered to clients under the age of 6 in a group format.
“Ask a Behaviour Consultant” Clinic
One-hour clinic via ZOOM addressing picky eating, hygiene, transition or school refusal that include an opportunity for questions and discussion in a group format.
Caregiver Workshops and Follow-Up Coaching Sessions
Family and Peer Mentoring
Share experiences in a supportive, informative and social atmosphere.
- Mothers Monthly Group- meets from September to June and is offered on the last Friday of the month from 10-11:30am or the last Tuesday of every month from 7-8:30pm. Mothers have a chance to meet with other mothers who may be experiencing similar challenges.
- Fathers Monthly Group- meets on the third Tuesday of the month from 6:30-8pm between September to June. Fathers have a chance to meet with other fathers and share their experiences and challenges of raising a child with a disability.
- Autism Siblings Support Group- Siblings (11-14 years) meet once a week for six weeks to discuss issues relating to having a sibling with a disability.
- Autism Monthly Social Group-monthly social group for youth aged 11-17 with ASD/no intellectual disability. Individuals must be independent. From September to June, this group meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 5-6:30pm. The group meets rotating between on-site and community outings.

Contact OAP Resource Consultant Lindsay Hickey,, (519) 741-1121 ext. 2244.
Transition Supports
Contact OAP Resource Consultant Lindsay Hickey,, (519) 741-1121 ext. 2244.