Speech-Language Pathology Clinic

Speech-Language Pathology Clinic

Speech-Language Pathology Clinic The SLP Clinic is a one-on-one appointment with the parent/caregiver and Speech-Language Pathologist, Lorraine Otto, Reg. CASLPO At the clinic you will be expected to identify one or two concerns/goals and consultation/resources will...
Notice of Information Privacy Incident

Notice of Information Privacy Incident

Notice of Information Privacy Incident On January 30, 2024, a security breach was detected involving a single Sunbeam Developmental Resource Centre (SDRC) email account. Our Management Information Systems (MIS) team was alerted to this by our systems security...
Celebrating My Dental Clinic at Sunbeam

Celebrating My Dental Clinic at Sunbeam

Celebrating “My Dental Clinic” at Sunbeam Sunbeam Community & Developmental Services CEO Brian Swainson wouldn’t claim to have all the answers, but he was sure of one thing. “We stood back and thought, ‘This little one-room dental clinic on the second...