
We’ve  compiled a listing of our brochures. We’ve provided descriptions of each so that you can easily navigate to the topic you are looking for. 

Sunbeam Developmental Resource Centre offers autism behaviour consultation to youth with an autism spectrum disorder between the ages of 14 and 21. The goal of the consultation is to help individuals and/or their caregivers work through behavioural difficulties (e.g., physical aggression, anxiety, and emotional regulation).

Autism Behaviour Consultation

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Sunbeam Developmental Resource Centre offers in-home behaviour consultation to individuals of all ages with an intellectual disability and/or autism spectrum disorder.

Behaviour Consultation

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The Children’s Psychiatry Clinic led by Dr. Peter Cordell aims to provide comprehensive care for children and youth aged 1-18 years, living with a developmental disability and/or autism spectrum disorder. Through consultation and medication management led by Dr. Cordell, this clinic aims to support children and their families in facilitating clinical stability, working over a period of 6 months or less.

Children & Youth Psychiatry Clinic

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Children and youth under the age of 18 who are eligible for developmental services can seek respite in Waterloo Region from an appropriate program through Sunbeam Developmental Resource Centre.

Children’s Respite Services in
Waterloo Region

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A review of SDRC’s policy on consent, age of consent and ability to provide consent.

Consent & Developmental Services

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Service Coordination is offered in Waterloo Region to children, youth and adults, with an intellectual disability and/or an autism spectrum disorder, and/or to their families.

Coordinated Service Planning

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A review of eligibility requirements. The services of Sunbeam Developmental Resource Centre are available to individuals of all ages who have an intellectual disability and/or an autism spectrum disorder.

Eligibility for Services

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The FASD Coordination program delivers child, youth and family-centered service to children and youth ages 0-18 (or 21 if enrolled in school) living with FASD or potential FASD and their families by leading the development of a strengths-based support plan. The FASD Coordinators work with the family, service providers and educators to build capacity for supporting the child/youth and identify strategies to meet the specific needs of the child/youth and family.

FASD Coordination

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Sunbeam Developmental Resource Centre’s Health Care Consultant (a Registered Nurse) offers health care assessment, consultation, recommendations and training on a wide variety of medical issues for individuals and their care providers who live in the Region of Waterloo.

Health Care Consultation

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Resource Support is available to those who do not receive Service Coordination to help provide short-term support.  It is available to families of individuals under the age of 18 years.

Resource Support

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Sunbeam Developmental Resource Centre offers a range of professional and support services to individuals of all ages with an intellectual disability and/or an autism spectrum disorder.  We assist individuals and their caregivers in accessing community services and supports.

SDRC Brochure

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Social Work services are provided to help people cope with the struggles related to a diagnosis of intellectual disability and/or autism.  We offer counselling to young people and adults with intellectual disabilities and/or autism, as well as counselling and group support to their caregivers and siblings.

Social Work Services

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Sunbeam Developmental Resource Centre offers Speech-Language Pathology services to individuals over the age of 6 years. Our goal is to facilitate functional communication for our clients within their home environment.

Speech Language Pathology Services

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The OAP Urgent Response Services Program provides time-limited services and supports intended to respond rapidly to a specific need and prevent further escalation of risk of harm to self, others and/or property for children and youth registered in the OAP.

Ontario Autism Program (OAP) Urgent Response Services

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