Applying for Services & Supports for Children and Youth
Sunbeam Developmental Resource Centre (SDRC) acts as the single point of access to developmental services for children and youth in Waterloo Region. As such, SDRC will collect information and determine eligibility for children and youth under the age of 18 for Ministry of Child, Community & Social Services (MCCSS) funded developmental service programs.
We provide information and assistance in accessing developmental services to parents and care providers of children between the ages of birth and 18 years. We also provide information to community members and professionals regarding developmental supports and services in our regions.
When you contact us, we will:
- Listen to you and your concerns
- Determine your child’s eligibility for SDRC services
- Ask questions to ensure that we understand your child’s needs
- Meet with you to provide an overview of the services offered through SDRC
- Provide you with information on community supports and services that may be of assistance to you
- help to facilitate referrals where appropriate
Eligibility Criteria
- Diagnosis of an intellectual disability confirmed by a psychologist
- Diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder confirmed by a physician or psychologist
Referrals may come directly from the individual, their family, or a substitute decision maker. Referrals will be accepted on behalf of the person, from a third party, such as a family doctor or service agency, if consent to facilitate the referral has been obtained.
Referrals may be submitted in one of three ways – electronically or by mail or fax.
Upon receipt of your completed referral form and supporting documentation verifying eligibility for services, you will receive a Referral Confirmation letter by email within 2 to 4 weeks. This will be followed by contact from an Intake worker to arrange an initial Intake Appointment. The wait for an appointment varies depending on referral volumes and may take up to 4-6 months.
If you have not received a Referral Confirmation email from us after 4 weeks, please call 519-741-1121, so that we can avoid any unnecessary delays.
To obtain a paper copy of the Referral Form, contact the main office of SDRC at 519-741-1121, or click on the link below to download a pdf copy.
To submit a referral using our Electronic Referral Form, please follow the steps below.
Read all the information on the referral form prior to starting. Please only complete the form if the individual is eligible for services. Ensure you have the following information ready:
- Name and date of birth of the individual
- Contact information for the individual and/or parents/guardians
- Documentation that provides an assessment letter/report regarding a diagnosis of an intellectual disability and/or an autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
- If you are a service provider, consent from the individual/family to apply for services